

 As to weed out very extreme people on various degrees, this is is a list of my views/values. If it's a problem, then we shouldn't interact or waste time. I support the freedom of bodily autonomy. Any one is welcome to their moral indignation when it comes to pro-life or pro-choice. But you do not get to dictate what an individual person may choose. Also, if clinics are funded to give a person the ability to have an erection, then I support clinics such as Planned Parenthood to continue their services.  I do NOT support the BS ideals of "cultural appropriation." That is a term 99% of the time, be divisive, morally grandstand, or cloak one's prejudice under the guise of being progressive. Cultures change, aesthetics change/lose their meanings over time. That is nature/evolution. Religions/spiritualities/traditions fade into nothing as humanity grows more secular. Therefore, no one OWNS a hairstyle, music style, aesthetic, skin pigment. As long as the aesthetic isn&